CargoManager is mainly an ULLAGE REPORT program, with many other advantages.
CargoManager was developed by experienced Chief Mates on the scene. It came to eliminate the Cargo Calculation time down to 1 minute, after the measurements on deck have been completed!!!
It returns real money to Ship Operators & Charterers and valuable time to Officers.
Officers will be familiar with one program, as it is customizable to all types of tankers, for all liquid cargos (crude, products and chemicals).
Enjoy the benefits of one program for the entire fleet!
CargoManager Benefits:
- Ullage Reports with ASTM Tables 6A/B, 54A/B and Chemicals
- OBQ/ROB reports incorporated with Wedge Formula
- FreeWater report
- Pre-loading cargo estimations with m3 or % input
- Blending calculation and report with ullages for up to 4 split cargoes
- ASTM Tables conversion for quantities to load
- Heavy cargoes calculation (CBFS)
- Vessel's Experience Factor and VEF Apply Calculation
- Bunkers estimation for next ports of call
- Cargo operation stoppages report with average rate
- Back pressure pre-calculation and report form
- B/L figures - Ship's Figures difference calculation
- Reports record keeping with a representative name
- Retrieval of older reports
- Reports can be extracted and sent as email attachments
- Built-in standardized Smart Remarks Editor for all Reports
- Supports up to 24 tanks and any kind of Trim/List correction method
- User (Individual) is able to change the input data at every ship he joins
- User (Individual) is getting the benefits of the program, even if Tanks’ Data is not yet available
- Administrator and Restricted User Levels provided for prevention of unauthorized changes of database and settings.
- Operation over Local or remotely through VPN Network with access to a Mapped Drive from any network PC.
- USB flash memory installation supported, giving the ability of mobility or emergency backup.
- Database can be extracted and automatically sent as email attachment (automated email through MS Outlook only) & imported to other Program copies running offline at any location.
- Two different ways of Backup for securing your data, with automatic Backup exports and automatic maintenance of exported Backups lifetime.
- Program environment is almost known to everyone as it is running with Microsoft Excel, without needing any additional expenses for additional software or hardware.
CargoManager Capabilities:
24 tanks supported
- 24 parcels supported
Various types of ullage, trim & list tables can be accommodated
Network License Offer:
AMS-Marine offers Network Licenses for free during announced promotion periods and only when the same License Key can be used for all users. If in Registration Form the "Disk" field returned as "Dead", then no Network License with the same License Key can be provided for free due to your system's configuration. In such case, Network License is available as ADDITIONAL LICENSE.
Current promotion period is expiring at the end of current year.
How to Install CargoManager:
Download "CargoManager.msi" sample software and install it, following the instructions included into the instruction manual. In order to enjoy all benefits of the program (i.e. import and export functions into the predefined folders etc), it is strongly recommended to install the program at a path like: “C:\AMS-Marine\CargoManager\”, where destination disk can be changed, but the rest of the path should always remain as is, i.e. “M:\AMS-Marine\CargoManager\”.
Repeat the same procedure for additional users in the network, using always the same Network Drive path.
- Setup to additional users will only add any files or folders missing from the original installation and will also add program shortcuts at their PC.
- Existing files and folders will remain as they are, making this action safe for the files containing your data, regardless of the time you will decide to add a new user. After installation, run the program from any PC.
A Registration Form will automatically be displayed. Start CargoManager from:
"Start Menu\All Programs\AMS-Marine\CargoManager".
Note: If Registration Form is not displayed, then you need to activate macros. A page with relevant instruction will appear.
How to test CargoManager Sample:
CargoManager will prompt for a License Key. Enter temporary key "DEMO" to unlock. You have a limited number of 10 entries. Use the last 4 digits of "PC Registration Number" to access "Administrator's" profile and enable user to make changes.
How to register CargoManager:
CargoManager UnRegistered program will prompt for a License Key which is specific for your PC or your network location. The Key will be provided from AMS after forwarding the auto-generated Registration Form of your PC to AMS by E-mail and completing the Registration process. Sample version is not fully functional, but a fully functional copy will be available for download directly to you.
Click here to go to Downloads page!
For ordering CargoManager, "Contact Us"